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All of Plan matters and Plan Structure

The hearing topics to which Hearing 2 All of Plan matters and Plan Structure addresses Plan Structure, “All of Plan”, and other miscellaneous high level submission points. These matters are those that have an over-arching effect on the structure and content of the PWDP (for example, submission points requesting alignment with National Planning Standards), or that might have a significant effect on the timetable of the PWDP hearings (for example, placing the PWDP process on hold to incorporate the outcomes of the Auckland-Hamilton Spatial Plan process). 

Hearing Schedule

Provisions covered by this hearing

Due to the nature of this Hearing being all of plan and plan structure, Hearing 2 is not specific to any particular provisions

Council Section 42a reports

Submitter evidence

Rebuttal evidence

Expert conferencing 

Council rebuttal evidence, responses and reports

Legal submissions

Hearing presentation

Council reply
Translation to National Planning Standards
Feedback on National Planning Standards