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What can you do?

Council is taking action, and we encourage you to make changes to reduce your environmental impact too.  

There are many individual actions we can do in our everyday lives to contribute positively and reduce our impact.  

Useful tips

  • Recycle whenever you can.
  • Purchase products with minimal or recyclable packaging.
  • Conserve water, particularly when restrictions are imposed. Use energy-efficient lighting and heating.
    Use a garden bag collection company, or recycle kitchen and garden waste into a compost bin or worm farm.
  • Remove invasive or noxious weeds from your property to prevent them spreading.
  • Talk to our staff before undertaking earthworks, to see if consents are required (note that consents may be required from both the Waikato District Council and Waikato Regional Council).
  • Walk, bike, car pool or use public and passenger transport when possible.

Share ideas with other people to spread awareness and encourage others to take action too – all the small actions add up to bigger results overall. 

Tuakau Primary School and volunteers planting over 1000 new plants at Les Batkin Reserve, in Tuakau. 

Useful information

*The living greener tips and 12 steps to greening your organisation resources have been shared with Waikato District Council with permission from our Climate Action and Sustainability Manager Rachael Goddard/Ecoes.  
What else is happening in our region?

Waikato District Council works and collaborates with other organisations in the region to address climate change, so that we can maximise our resources and expertise and have a bigger impact together. 

Check out what some colleagues are doing across the region are doing to combat climate change: 

What is happening internationally to address climate change?

Climate change is affecting countries all around the world, with some countries more vulnerable to the impacts than others. There are of course challenges with global cooperation on issues such as climate change, but progress has been made over the years on international agreements and plans. 

In 2015, the United Nations led the creation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals which outline a universal plan called “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. All 193 member states of the United Nations, including New Zealand signed up to help achieve these Goals. It’s a global agreement to make the world a better place for all. 

Our mahi around climate change can respond to and influence action on many of these Goals. 

Make your event more sustainable

Have you wondered about ways to make your events more sustainable, but not sure where to start? 

We have created a best practice guide to help make your events more environmentally sustainable.
