ALERT Our Ngaaruawaahia Library will be closed tomorrow, Saturday 26 July. If you have any urgent queries, call us on 0800 492 452.
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We have attempted to make this website as accessible as possible in as many operating systems and browsers as we can and we are continually updating to achieve this goal. A number of features are available to make visiting this site easier for all our audiences including people with disabilities.

Browser support

The following browsers are supported:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and all versions above 
  • Microsoft Edge - Latest version (automatically updated)
  • Mozilla Firefox - Latest version (automatically updated)
  • Google Chrome - Latest version (automatically updated)
  • Apple Safari 9

Occasionally new updates to these browsers may make some aspects of this website incompatible or appear incorrectly. If you notice this please contact us.

Older versions of Internet Explorer (8.0 and earlier)

This website was not designed to support older versions of IE. Our advice is to upgrade to one of the compatible browsers listed above.

How to make it work?

Visit 'Browse Happy' and install a compatible browser. All of these recommended browsers support the latest modern web and security standards.

Increasing/decreasing text size and zooming

To zoom in and out in:

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari

Press Ctrl + to zoom in, Ctrl - to zoom out, use the arrow keys to move around the zoomed page.

To set text size in Internet Explorer:

  • Press Alt+V to bring in the View menu
  • Press X to select text size
  • Use the up or down arrow to select the desired text size, and press Enter.

To set text size and in Firefox:

  • Press Alt+T to show the Tools menu
  • Press O for the Options menu
  • Press Alt+S to select Text size
  • Use up or down arrows to adjust test size, and press Enter

