Kia ora, how can we help?
Do it online
Creative Communities Fund now open!
Are you wanting to run a local art project or event this year? We have funding available. Apply now!
Rubbish & recycling collection
There will be NO CHANGE to your rubbish and recycling collection day on Waitangi Day and the remainder of the week. Click here to find out more.
Current roadworks
View a list of road roadworks taking place in the Waikato district to help you plan your journey.
Our swimming pools are open for summer
Our pools will be open from Saturday, 7 December. All dates, hours and entry fees can be found here.
PR-22048 Tumate Mahuta Carpark Upgrade - Completed
Update the existing car park.
Raglan Xtreme Zero Waste - Slip Remediation
Hold back bank to be able to access building again.
PR-21223 Munro Road resilience and footpath
Focus on upgrading the culvert beneath Munro Road and raising the road to enhance its resilience against potential floods.
PR-22130 Festival Way road improvements
Construct a new road to enable development in the Ngaaruawaahia north area.