Kia ora, how can we help?
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Furniture Restoration Cafe
Do you have a well-loved piece of furniture that could do with a refresh? Join us in Tamahere this hands on workshop on Saturday 29 March. Register today!
Recycling Centre tour
Join us for a guided tour of Green Gorilla's Huntly Recycling Centre and learn how we can create a cleaner and more sustainable future. PS: You could be into win!
Current roadworks
View a list of road roadworks taking place in the Waikato district to help you plan your journey.
Ngaaruawaahia - Great South Road / Old Taupiri Road Roundabout
Build a new roundabout at the intersection of Old Taupiri Road and Great South Road.
PR-22014 Horotiu Link Road [Completed]
Construct a new safe intersection to link Horotiu road with to the POAL site and close the Horotiu road rail crossing.
PR-24130 Xtreme Zero Waste - Tip Face Gates
This plan relates to the fabrication and installation of two-piece barrier gates at six tip bays, at Xtreme Zero Waste Raglan.
PR-24128 Wi Neera Walkway - South End
Sea wall renewal along Wi Neera Walkway, Scope includes assessing the existing sea wall and construction of a safe footpath the entire length from Jetty to Coat Guard street.