ALERT Our Ngaaruawaahia Library will be closed tomorrow, Saturday 26 July. If you have any urgent queries, call us on 0800 492 452.
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Feedback & Complaints

Tell us how we are doing!

We are committed to providing quality service and your feedback helps us identify where we are exceeding your expectations, meeting your needs or where there are opportunities for improvement.

Our aim is to:

  • recognise and acknowledge our staff and teams for good service
  • learn from your feedback to enhance future services
  • listen to your comments or concerns, and rectify any issues
  • be open and honest about our mistakes
  • look at ways we can improve.

If you have a general feedback, a compliment, suggestion or a formal complaint about a particular council activity, service or policy, we want to hear from you.

Feedback type

Please upload any supporting images or documents here.
