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Past events

Meet the candidates - Matangi

Location: Matangi Hall, 478 Tauwhare Road, Matangi

Location: Matangi Hall, 478 Tauwhare Road, Matangi
Date: 10 September 2022, 03:30 pm – 05:30 pm

An opportunity to meet the candidates, hear their views and for us to farewell Eureka Ward retiring Councillor Rob McGuire who succeeded his father in the role in1983.

The Matangi Community Committee and Matangi Hall Committee invite you to attend a public meeting to acknowledge Rob McGuire and meet the candidates for election to Waikato District Council. Candidates will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and answer one or two questions. We will then formally thank Rob for his service to the area and invite everyone to stay to chat more informally over a shared afternoon tea.


All Welcome

Please send any questions you wish asked of the candidates to the contact email below so a sample can be selected for use on the day. Thank you.

Waikato District Council Mayor Mayoral Candidates
Tamahere Woodlands Ward (2 Councillors to be elected) Tamahere Woodlands Ward Candidates
Tai Raro Takiwaa Maaori Ward Councillor Tai Raro Takiwaa Maaori Ward Candidates


To ensure Council remains neutral throughout the elections, we will not run or endorse any candidate event. Meet the candidate events displayed on the website are held by community groups. Community groups holding an event are encouraged to get in touch with Council so these can be displayed on the website.