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Share your thoughts on our public places and spaces

If you’re interested in what happens to parks in the Waikato District, or have ideas about council’s public places, now is the time to share your views on their future.

Waikato District Council is looking at its policies and plans for council-owned public spaces and community facilities.

The review includes council-run neighbourhood parks and sports parks, and public spaces. Public places include community halls, aquatic facilities, community halls, libraries and public toilets, as well as sport facilities.

These facilities are highly valued by the community as places to gather, and are venues for many essential services and activities.

“Our open spaces and facilities are important to so many in our community, offering a sense of belonging for many residents. They serve as places to learn, connect and play,” says General Manager Service Delivery Megan May.

The review is looking for public feedback on how residents use the spaces and what they would like to see in the future, by sharing their views on an interactive map of the facilities across the district.

“Residents can just drop a pin and add a comment, or people can share their new ideas. It’s an easy way to have your say and for us to collect valuable insights from the people who use our spaces and places.”

Residents can submit feedback until Friday 6 September. Suggestions and ideas received with then help shape the Community Facilities Strategy, the Sports Park Reserve Management Plan and the Neighbourhood Parks Reserve Management Plan, which will then be open for formal consultation later in the year.

To have your say, visit our website, or pick up a paper form from one of our libraries or offices.
