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Waikato District Council acknowledges Waikato Regional Council's formal warning


Waikato District Council acknowledges Waikato Regional Council's formal warning, issued yesterday in relation to the Easter weekend wastewater spills into Raglan harbour.

"Council has great respect for the processes and investigations Waikato Regional Council have undertaken to reach this point. We take the formal warning, and the breaches of the Resource Management Act, seriously. We are also extremely mindful of the impacts this spill had to Raglan, its community and its clean, green image," General Manager Service Delivery Tim Harty says.

"While disappointed with any spill, let alone one to the Raglan harbour, Council is pleased with the quick response staff had to the issue. Council immediately implemented a number of the recommendations made in the AECOM report, which Waikato Regional Council also acknowledged when issuing their warning yesterday," Mr Harty continues.
