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Raglan’s kerbside foodwaste to continue without Council funding

Raglan’s kerbside foodwaste collection will continue, Xtreme Zero Waste has announced.

On 10 June 2019, Councillors determined they would not implement a proposed targeted rate for the Raglan kerbside foodwaste collection.

The decision was in response to over 770 submissions received following consultation in March and April, where the majority (over 60%) supported the service but only 40% were willing to pay a targeted rate of $79.29 per year for it to continue.

Xtreme’s Board met after Waikato District Council’s decision. The Board have agreed that given the community support shown for the service, they will seek to continue it without Council funding.

Xtreme have confirmed that they have received some donations from the community already, and will be seeking further funding to continue the service, including through a crowdsourcing campaign to be launched in the next number of weeks.

Council is supportive of the service continuing without Council funding and will continue to work with Xtreme in this respect.

For the Raglan community, this means that from 1 July 2019 your foodwaste will continue to be collected by Xtreme. There is no change to your service.

Xtreme will review the service and available funding quarterly and will keep the community informed.

Council will be considering the option of a district-wide kerbside foodwaste collection service as part of its solid waste review which is being done between July and the end of the 2019 calendar year. The community will have an opportunity to comment further on foodwaste and other solid waste services as part of this review.

If adopted, any district-wide kerbside foodwaste collection would take effect in the next Long Term plan period, commencing 1 July 2021.


For more information please contact:
Teresa Hancock
Senior Communications & Engagement Advisor
Waikato District Council
027 706 5776
