ALERT Our Ngaaruawaahia Library will be closed tomorrow, Saturday 26 July. If you have any urgent queries, call us on 0800 492 452.
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Most Council services continue as usual

Waikato District Council is operating under the COVID-19 Alert Level 2 guidelines, but is also preparing for any possible move in alert levels.

Under level 2, our services generally remain as usual but the Tuakau library and the Pukekohe pound is closed for now.

The district’s rubbish and recycling services continues as normal but it’s even more important to sort and rinse your recycling – separate your glass from your tin and plastics and make sure it’s all nice and clean. At this stage, the district’s inorganic rubbish collection continues as planned.

As some may be aware, there are a number of police checkpoints in the northern parts of the Waikato district. These are in place to ensure only essential travel to and from Auckland.

If you need financial assistance, ring Work and Income on 0800 559 009. If you need other support or aren’t sure who to talk to, call the Government Helpline on 0800 779 997.

Here are some tips for life at Level 2:

  • Don’t panic buy. Waikato businesses are open with social distancing in place. Shop normally so others can do the same
  • Keep a 2 metre physical distance and wear a mask when in public when you can’t distance
  • Stay home if you’re sick, wash your hands, cough or sneeze into your elbow, clean surfaces
  • Food, medicine, healthcare and essential services will always be available
  • If you have cold or flu like symptoms call your Doctor or the Healthline team (for free) on 0800 358 5453
  • All New Zealanders should wear a mask on public transport or where physical distancing is difficult
  • Some of the country’s most vulnerable residents live in our rest homes, help keep them safe and do not visit them at this time
  • Contact tracing is an essential to stopping the spread. All New Zealanders need to keep a record of where you have been to allow faster contact tracing. Use the COVID-19 tracer app if you can, or make a note of where you’ve been
  • Businesses should have a QR code displayed so customers can be traced quickly if required. Get it here:
  • The alert levels will be reviewed before midnight Friday once more information is available

The most up to date information and guidance can be found at


For more information please contact:
Teresa Hancock
Senior Communications & Engagement Advisor
Waikato District Council
027 706 5776
