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Proposed Private Plan Change 20 to the Waikato District Plan Lakeside Developments

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Proposed Private Plan Change 20 (PPC20) seeks to rezone an area of approximately 194 hectares to the south of the Te Kauwhata township from Country Living Zone and Rural Zone to Living Zone: Te Kauwhata Lakeside and Business Zone with the inclusion of an open space overlay over a portion of the Rural Zone.

PPC20 seeks to enable high and medium density residential development to the south of the existing township with provision for a community hub in the proposed business zone. The proposed zoning has a suite of specific planning provisions to enable the development of the area at medium and higher density. These provisions seek to ensure that development happens in a cohesive manner through the requirement for large portions of the plan change area to be consented at a time.

Details of PPC20 can be viewed on the Council’s website or in Council offices and libraries from 22 September 2017.


Any person may make a submission on proposed PPC20, however if the person could gain an advantage in trade competition through the submission, then the person may do so only if the person is directly affected by an effect of proposed PPC20 that:

  • adversely affects the environment; and
  • does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.

The submission must be on Form 5 (Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003) and must state whether or not you wish to be heard on your submission. Forms for this purpose may be obtained from Council offices/libraries/website or by

Make a submission by:

Have your say by 5pm 20 October 2017.

The process for public participation in the consideration of the plan change is as follows:

  • After the closing date for submissions, the Council must prepare a summary of the submissions and this summary must be publicly notified;
  • There must be an opportunity to make a further submission in support of, or in opposition to, the submissions already made;
  • If a person making a submission asks to be heard in support of his or her submission, a hearing must be held;
  • Waikato District Council must give its decisions on the proposal (including its reasons for accepting or rejecting submissions);
  • Any person who has made a submission has the right to appeal the decision on the proposal to the Environment Court.

Please contact Chris Dawson at 07 834 8521 or 027 5333 899 if you have any questions about PPC20.

Signed on behalf of Waikato District Council
G J Ion
Chief Executive


This notice is given under clause 5 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991 on 22 September 2017

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