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Notice of Bylaws to Lapse

Waikato District Council has considered and reviewed a number of legacy bylaws inherited from the Franklin District Council during amalgamation.  Pursuant to section 160A of the Local Government Act 2002, notice is hereby given that the below bylaws will lapse (be automatically revoked) on the following dates:

  • Franklin District Council Control of Signage Bylaw 2007 will lapse on 1 July 2019.
  • Franklin District Council Food Hygiene Bylaw 2010 will lapse on 1 March 2022
  • Franklin District Council Brothel Bylaw 2010 will lapse on 1 March 2022

Relevant bylaws, policies, and district plan rules that control these activities in the rest of the Waikato district will be used in the former Franklin area when the above bylaws lapse. 

The bylaws remain effective until the date they lapse. 

Copies of these bylaws, as well as further information can be found on the Council website, or any Council office or library.


GJ Ion

Chief Executive
