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Waikato District Rates Revaluation

The valuation rolls for the Waikato district have been revised by Quotable Value Limited (the Council’s valuation service provider).

The revised rating values are effective as at 1 October 2020 and are available for viewing on our Rating Information Database at . They are also available in our Council offices and libraries from 30 April to 11 June 2021.

All owners and ratepayers of property within the Waikato district will be posted a notice advising them of the revised values. Notices will be posted out from 29 April 2021.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Rating Valuations Act 1998 and the Rating Valuations Regulations 1998, any objection(s) to the revised valuations are to be lodged in writing no later than 11 June 2021.

To discuss any aspect of the rating valuation or to make an objection, please contact Quotable Value Limited by telephone 0800 787 284, or by post Quotable Value, PO Box 4135, Hamilton, 3247. Alternatively, you can lodge an objection directly online at

G J Ion
Chief Executive
