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Submissions open on High Pedestrian Traffic Areas

Waikato District Council is currently consulting on High Pedestrian Traffic Areas in relation to Earthquake Prone Buildings.

As required by the Building (Earthquake Prone Buildings) Amendment Act 2016, high pedestrian traffic areas must be identified for the medium seismic risk areas of the district. These include Huntly, Ngaruawahia and Te Kauwhata. These routes contain buildings with unreinforced masonry that have the potential to fall in an occupied area in the event of an earthquake. As a result of being in a high pedestrian traffic area, buildings containing unreinforced masonry will need to be remediated sooner than buildings containing unreinforced masonry outside of a high pedestrian traffic area.

We have identified areas proposed to be included as high pedestrian traffic areas, but we want to hear from you – have we got these areas right?

Let us know by making a submission before submissions close 5pm, Friday 13 May 2022.

You can make a submission :

Online and email submissions are encouraged.

Hearings will be held in May for those who wish to present their submission verbally.

For further information, please visit or email
