Proposed Reclassification of Purpose of Reserve – Crawfords Quarry
(64A Tauwhare Road; colloquially known as Tamahere Reserve)
Waikato District Council notifies its intention to, pursuant to 1. section 24 of the Reserves Act 1977, reclassify the Crawfords Quarry (64A Tauwhare Road; colloquially known as Tamahere Reserve), Allotment 236 Parish of Tamahere and defined on Deposited Plan 24489; Record of Title SA640/171 from Local Purpose (Quarry) reserve to Local Purpose (ecological) reserve.
The reason for the reclassification is to reflect the current use of the reserve for the primary purpose of significant ecological habitat for Long-tailed Bat and secondary purpose of passive recreation and education. This will not change the current accessibility of the reserve for the community.
For further information see
Any person wishing to make a submission on this proposal can do so online, or in writing by sending it in / delivering it by 18 March 2024.
By email:
By Post: The Chief Executive
Waikato District Council
Private Bag 544
Attention: Reserve Planning Team
Or drop it off at any Waikato District Council office or library.