Pursuant to Section 54 of the Reserves Act 1977, Waikato District Council as administering body gives notice of an application for a lease from:
Sunset Beach Surf Lifesaving Charitable Trust Incorporated for a watch tower at the recreation reserve on the beach front at Port Waikato, for a term of 5 years with a further right of renewal of 5 years.
The recreation reserve is legally described as Lot 54 DPS 8872, and the lease area is more specifically defined on the attached plan.

Pursuant to Section 119 of the Reserves Act 1977 Council has an obligation to publicly notify its intention to grant such leases by way of this Notice.
Any person wishing to make a submission or objection in respect of the above proposal is required to lodge this no later than 5pm on Friday 16 August 2024 by:
Email: Strategic.Property@waidc.govt.nz
Or in writing to:
The Property Officer
Waikato District Council
Private Bag 544
Ngaaruawaahia 3742
Note: Please indicate if you wish to be heard in relation to your submission.
Submissions on this application will be made publicly available, however contact and personal details will be withheld.
Contact Strategic.Property@waidc.govt.nz if you have any queries.
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