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Private cemeteries and urupaa

Ngaa urupaa paraiweti

A number of private cemeteries and urupaa exist within the Waikato district.

Waikato District Council is not directly involved in the functioning or hold any contact information for these areas. 

If you would like more information about the cemeteries run by Council please phone 0800 492 452 or email

Private cemeteries and urupaa

If the site is on Maaori owned land:

  • The interested party needs to go to the Maori Land Court and apply for the land (all or part) to be set aside as a reserve under s. 338 of the Maori Land Act 1993.

If the site is not on Maaori owned land (for example religious denominational burials on private land):

  • The interested party needs to go to the Ministry of Health to obtain approval to have the land set aside for burial purposes.