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Other animals

Eetahi atu kararehe

Animals are an important part of many households. However, they need to be kept in a way that protects the public from nuisance, maintains public health and safety, and protects the welfare of the animal.

Be a responsible owner

Be respectful of your neighbours.

  • Do not choose animals that make a lot of noise or are unsuitable for a residential site.
  • Make sure you contain animals within your own property to prevent fouling and damage to other properties.

Reduce the risk of nuisance from odour, flies and vermin.

  • Excess food and waste can attract flies, mice and rats to a property.
  • Make sure any buildings that house animals are kept clean.
  • Store food so vermin cannot reach it. If you do notice vermin, remedy the problem immediately.

Take care of your animals

  • If you have animals, you must follow any other legal requirements, such as the Animal Welfare Act 1999. This sets out how people should take care of and act towards animals.
  • The Animal Welfare Act 1999 is not enforced by Council, but enforced by the SPCA, the Ministry for Primary Industries and the New Zealand Police.

Complaints relating to animal behaviour

  • For any complaints or problems relating to animal behaviour or disturbances, please contact us using our online reporting tool or phone us on 0800 492 452.

Where you place hives is important for minimising nuisance to neighbours.

Manage bee excrement: Make sure you position hives in a way to avoid excrement dropping on neighbouring washing lines, vehicles and buildings.

Manage flight paths of bees: Bees will fly at head height for some distance from their hives unless their surrounding environment directs their flight path upwards. Bees can be encouraged to fly above head height if you place a flyway barrier 1-2m from the hive entrance.

Barriers you can use to direct a flight path include: a shrub, trees, wall, hedge or a fence. 


Do not feed feral or stray cats, as they may become a nuisance to other people.

If you have a feral or stray cat, please consider taking steps like finding the cat a new home, contacting an animal welfare group, or discussing with Council how to handle the situation. 

For detailed information about keeping dogs, registration, exercise areas, and dog control, see our Dogs pages.

When riding horses in public areas, make sure you pick up droppings.

Do not ride horses on paved footpaths unless Council has given written permission, or it is an authorised vehicle crossing.


It is not recommended that farm animals such as sheep, cows, pigs, alpacas etc are kept in backyards in an urban area, as they may cause a nuisance to neighbours.

For information on wandering stock and how livestock can cross roads in the district, see our Road and livestock page.

Pigs are not to be kept in residential areas or kept in a way which causes a nuisance to other people.

Place pigsty and pig runs in places that is least likely to cause nuisance to neighbours. 

Roosters, chickens and birds

Do not keep roosters on any property which is within an urban area, due to noise concerns from crowing. Be considerate of your neighbours.

Make sure chickens are confined and cannot freely leave the property. Put the coop in a place that is least likely to cause a nuisance to neighbours.

To ensure birds don't cause health and safety issues to the public, make sure you regularly dispose of waste and keep poultry houses and runs in good condition. 
