ALERT Our Ngaaruawaahia Library will be closed tomorrow, Saturday 26 July. If you have any urgent queries, call us on 0800 492 452.
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The hearing panel have completed 3 hearings using Zoom technology and this has worked very well. On the 28 April the hearing panel issued a minute regarding the Raglan hearing which is to be held on 2 June and confirmed that the hearing will take place as planned using Zoom. The meeting room in the Raglan Library will be available for submitters to watch the hearing on Zoom. Please bear in mind that the Library only allows 20 people at one time in the Library.

If you would like to listen to Hearing 16 Raglan on 2 June 2020 please email and request the hearing link.

Please click here to read the full minute issued by the hearing panel.

Hearing recording 

Provisions covered by this hearing

Rebuttal evidence

Expert conferencing 

Council rebuttal evidence, responses and reports

Legal submissions

Hearing presentation
