Taumata Arowai became the (and independent) water services regulator for Aotearoa on 15th November 2021. This has been established due to the need for regulatory oversight to lift the performance of the system that delivers three waters services. Taumata Arowai aims to work collaboratively with whaanau, hapuu and iwi Maaori, crown entities, public health units along with regional, city and district councils, drinking water suppliers, water management companies and others.
You can find more information by visiting the official Taumata Arowai website.
Taumata Arowai is committed to ensuring all communities have access to safe drinking water every day.
It also has a role in relation to the environmental performance of wastewater and stormwater networks across Aotearoa New Zealand.
For any drinking water complaints or queries, please contact Council directly via our call centre, the Antenno app or through the Contact Us pages on our website.
You can find more information on the functions of Taumata Arowai by visiting its official website.
The Waikato River is the main water source and accounts for approximately two thirds of the annual water production for the Waikato district. There are multiple other water sources for our water schemes such as ground water, and some of our schemes are reliant on bulk water supply arrangements from third parties. The source water goes through treatment facilities to ensure compliance with New Zealand drinking water standards.
Waikato District Council contract services to Watercare Services Limited, who are responsible for collecting, treating and distributing water for use by households, commerce, industry and firefighting. It is also responsible for providing safe and reliable drinking water.
Our water supply network is comprised of 826 km of pipes, 14 pump stations and 7 treatment plants. It would cost approximately $217 million to replace the water supply assets.
We provide a reticulated water supply to the community for domestic, dairy, and agricultural use. The urban areas receive an on-demand supply with surrounding rural areas receiving a restricted supply. Rural areas beyond the Council reticulated systems are reliant on bores or the collection of roof water for their water source.
Water Treatment:
The water treatment process is different for each of the schemes outlined above, you can find more specific information about the water treatment process in your town by reading section 4: Water Supply Scheme Descriptions of our Three Waters Asset Management Plan.
The following is a broad, generic process of water treatment:
- Water is extracted from the source (e.g. Waikato River)
- Water is pumped to the treatment plan via a pump station
- The treatment plant uses various treatment processes and treats water using its major units. This step also involves chlorination and fluoridation of the water.
- The water is then pumped, or gravity fed to the town reticulation system and reservoirs (please note that some parts of a town may be directly fed from the treatment plant and some parts are reliant on the reservoirs).
We have three agreements in place for water supply:
- Hamilton City Council – providing water for the communities surrounding Hamilton (Southern and Western Districts).
- Te Kauwhata Water Association – Providing water for the Te Kauwhata, Meremere and Rangiriri communities.
- Watercare Services Limited – Providing water to Tuakau and Pookeno.
Taking water from hydrants and filling stations
Effective from July 2022 - Taumata Arowai, the new water services regulator for Aotearoa, New Zealand, is committed to ensuring all communities have access to safe drinking water every day. The draft new drinking water standards requires elimination of hydrant use except in delivering three waters operations and maintenance services and firefighting services to the community.
This requirement will prohibit the use of standpipes across the Waikato District.
Register as a Watercarrier
Step 1: Complete Taumata Arowai’s registration form
Click here to complete the application form and register as a water carrier. You must register for Taumata Arowai if you are using the water for drinking water purposes.
Step 2: Wait to be added to the public register
If your application is accepted, you will be added to the list of registered water carriers. You must be on the 2a register of water carriers list before you can apply to us for a drinking water contract.
Click here and scroll to 2a register of water carriers to see if you've been added.