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Catering for growth in Te Kauwhata

Members of the Huntly Youth Action Group, from left, China Timo, Shyann Timo, Waikato District Council Youth Engagement Advisor Shannon Kelly, Logan Cooter and Phoebe Comins.

Housing Infrastructure Fund

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has accepted Waikato District Council’s Detailed Business Case regarding our application for $38 million of the Government’s Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) to support Te Kauwhata’s growth.

The interest-free loan of $38 million, combined with $34.2 million from Council’s Long Term Plan, will be used to accelerate infrastructure projects to support the development of residential units in the town.

A new wastewater treatment plant with the latest membrane bioreactor technology will be built, along with associated pipes so that wastewater can be discharged on to land near the Waikato River, subject to resource consent, instead of into Lake Waikare.

There will also be extensive upgrades to the town’s water supply infrastructure and some local road upgrades.

These upgrades are designed to bring forward the construction of 1,190 houses by three to five years earlier than scheduled in Council’s Long Term Plan.

These 1,190 dwellings are already planned within the Te Kauwhata Structure Plan, however the infrastructure upgrades will allow for these dwellings to be delivered earlier.

The improved infrastructure will also facilitate an additional 1,600 households within the Lakeside Residential Development in the next 10 years.

You can view a brief summary of what’s planned for Te Kauwhata as a result of the successful HIF application below.

If you want even more detail there’s a copy of the Consolidated Detailed Business Case available below.

Now that the HIF agreement is in place, consenting and detail design of tender ready documents will start.

Council will repay the HIF loan via development contributions and maintain infrastructure through rates generated from the housing provided by the Lakeside Development and other Te Kauwhata structure plan development and where required district wide rating growth.

