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The Waikato District Council endorses recommendations made at committee meetings and in addition makes decisions on matters that are not delegated to committees.

Council meets on a six-weekly cycle with meetings scheduled to start at 9:30 am.

Chair: Her Worship the Mayor

Deputy Chair: Deputy mayor

Membership: Mayor and all councillors

Meeting frequency: Six weekly - or as required

Quorum: Half of the members (including vacancies)

Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 requires Council to adopt a code of conduct.  All elected members are required to comply with the code.  The Council's Code of Conduct is as follows:

Council Code of Conduct December 2019

For more information contact the Chief Executive Gavin Ion or the Democracy Team on any matter relating to the Council agenda.

Upcoming meetings

  • The Waikato District Council endorses recommendations made at committee meetings and in addition makes decisions on matters that are not delegated to committees.

    Council meets on a six-weekly cycle with meetings scheduled to start at 9:30 am.

  • The Waikato District Council endorses recommendations made at committee meetings and in addition makes decisions on matters that are not delegated to committees.

    Council meets on a six-weekly cycle with meetings scheduled to start at 9:30 am.

Previous agendas and minutes
