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Roads, land and property development

If you're developing property or building within the Waikato district, see our land and property information to ensure you have the right resource consents and building consents, as your activities could impact on local roads and access in that area, including vehicle entranceways

This applies not only to our local Waikato district roads (which the Council is responsible for) but also properties near state highways in our district (which are managed by the NZ Transport Agency). 

Land and property development and building work needs to be carried out within the requirements of the District Plan, the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Building Act 2004. Many of these requirements are relevant in relation to how this work may affect or connect with roads, roading plans, activities and services relevant to the property involved. 

Any impacts from land and property development or building and renovation activities also need to be carefully managed in relation to our environment and services and facilities such as wastewater, stormwater and water as well as other infrastructure and engineering standards relevant to the Waikato district.
