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Proposed District Plan Subcommittee

To assist the Chief Executive and officers to make timely decisions on any matters relating to the hearings on submissions and further submissions on the Proposed Waikato District Plan (including Stages 1, 2 and any variations) (“the Proposed District Plan”) and any appeals or other proceedings relating to Council’s decisions on the Proposed District Plan.

Reports to: Policy & Regulatory Committee

Chair: Deputy Mayor Carolyn Eyre

Deputy Chair: Cr Eugene Patterson

Membership: Her Worship the Mayor, Cr Crystal Beavis and Cr Kandi Ngataki

Meeting frequency: As and when required

Quorum: Majority of members (including vacancies)

Click here for agendas, reports and minutes from May 2024 onwards

Upcoming meetings

  • To assist the Chief Executive and officers to make timely decisions on any matters relating to the hearings on submissions and further submissions on the Proposed Waikato District Plan (including Stages 1, 2 and any variations) (“the Proposed District Plan”) and any appeals or other proceedings relating to Council’s decisions on the Proposed District Plan.

    Chair: Deputy Mayor Carolyn Eyre

    Deputy Chair: Cr Eugene Patterson

    Membership: Her Worship the Mayor, Cr Crystal Beavis and Cr Kandi Ngataki

    Meeting frequency: Four-weekly

    For more information contact the Democracy team.

  • To assist the Chief Executive and officers to make timely decisions on any matters relating to the hearings on submissions and further submissions on the Proposed Waikato District Plan (including Stages 1, 2 and any variations) (“the Proposed District Plan”) and any appeals or other proceedings relating to Council’s decisions on the Proposed District Plan.

    Chair: Deputy Mayor Carolyn Eyre

    Deputy Chair: Cr Eugene Patterson

    Membership: Her Worship the Mayor, Cr Crystal Beavis and Cr Kandi Ngataki

    Meeting frequency: Four-weekly

    For more information contact the Democracy team.

Previous agendas and minutes
