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Design Guide for Pokeno's Main Street

This design guide is a non-statutory document developed in partnership with the Pokeno community and approved by Council in September 2015. It applies to Business-zoned properties along Pokeno’s main street and those that frame Market Square.

When assessing applications for resource consent for new developments on these properties (and possibly for extensions to existing ones), the Waikato District Plan requires Council to consider the extent to which the proposed building design conflicts with or compromises the principles or theme contained in this design guide. Its ultimate aim is to ensure that Pokeno’s main street is developed to reflect a village atmosphere.

Anybody interested in taking up exciting development opportunities in Pokeno’s main street should contact Council’s Consents Team who can explain what is involved with the resource consent process and the design guide principles.  

Note: Because there are two active plans (Operative Waikato District Plan & Proposed Waikato District Plan – Appeals Version) these Plans and Design Guidelines may still be required for use under the Operative Waikato District Plan. This depends on whether there are any appeals on the relevant provisions in the Proposed Waikato District Plan (appeals version). If you require further clarity around this, please contact
